The creator of the original Wasteland, Brian Fargo, has recently started a Kickstarter project to help fund the game. The original is what led to the creation of the first Fallout game, and the epic franchise that came with it.
Kickstarter is basically a site designed to let people get funding for their ideas. Fargo has had the idea of creating Wasteland 2 for quite some time. But up till now, he's not had the funding to get it going. He's gone to various companies, all of which have basically told him that his idea for a classic-style RPG wouldn't fly. Apparently they didn't believe that such a game would have enough of a following to be worthwhile.
Shows what they know. Within the first 24 hours, the Wasteland 2 Kickstarter project raised almost $600,000. That's one hell of a positive response. Considering donations can come in as low as one dollar, that's quite a lot of supporters. Add to that the fact that while a million dollars is the goal for starting the project, Fargo has commented that if the fans can raise $900,000 he'll throw in $100,000 from his own pocket.
Well, in 33 days the project has hit over $900,000. So the project is a go! Naturally, further funding is always helpful and will enable Fargo and his team to make the project even more special.
Anyone who donates at least $15 will receive a copy of the game. Higher donations will have more bonuses added. Needless to say I've already thrown in my support.
Fargo has explained that the game will be a top-down, "party centric", sandbox style game. It will be similar to the classic RPG's of old which many of us grew up with. And most importantly, it will be a game for the fans. While Fargo has endless pages of information on what will be in the game, he's also paying close attention to the forums for the game. He wants to ensure that while the players might not be writing the game, they'll at least have a strong say in how it's developed. Because unlike most of the big corporations, he knows that the players are what's important and has made them the focus.
And that's the way it should be.
All I can say is:
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